Oryx Hunts in New Mexico

Trophy Oryx New Mexico
New Mexico Oryx Outfitter
The White Sands Missile Range hunts are once in a lifetime. The only other Oryx hunt that rivals this is a broken horn Oryx hunt on the range. Trophy hunts for the general public are once in a lifetime. There are numerous hunts throughout the year for Oryx both on and off the range. Generally, an average bull horn length will be around 34 to 37 with a few bulls that can go 40 or bigger. Whenever a hunter draws a tag for Oryx it is an "either sex tag". Most of the time the cows will have longer horns than the bulls. Rifle hunting is the preferred method of harvesting an Oryx.

2019 Trophy Oryx
Oryx on White Sand Missile Range
The Oryx Hunts
There are several areas within Whites Sands Missile Range where we hunt Rhodes Canyon, Stallion Range, and Small Missile Range. All of these areas can produce trophy-class New Mexico Oryx. On-range hunts are conducted by NMDGF in tandem with the US Military. There are a phenomenal number of Oryx on the range, the only thing is knowing the animal's habits and being able to field judge these magnificent animals.
Off The Range
Although we have experienced fewer numbers of oryx off-range, we still have 100% shot opportunity on our off-range hunts. All of the off-range oryx hunts we offer will typically be on the state or BLM lands. There is no other place in the world you can hunt oryx on public land, this is truly fair chase hunting at its finest. The off-range Oryx big game hunting that we do is a bit more challenging because of the number of Oryx that wander off-range.